Saturday, February 22News and updates from Kashmir

Saudi Arabia Includes Ramayana and Mahabharata in its School Curriculum

Saudi Arabia has said that it has started to teach the culture of other countries including Ramayana and Mahabharata that represent ancient Indian culture, as a part of its Vision 2030.

Mohammed Bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz, Saudi’s crown is pursuing “Saudi Vision of 2030”. There are many aspects to this, but its main objective is to create an educational system that can overcome the difficulties between the government and various businesses, Saudi has said.

The main objective of Saudi’s Vision-2030 is that the economy is dependent on oil and is also making changes in the educational system to reduce the dependence of revenue from oil.

Nouf Almarwaai, a Saudi National shared a screenshot of an exam paper on her Twitter and wrote “Saudi Arabia’s new vision-2030 and syllabus will help build a future that is inclusive, liberal and tolerant. The screenshot of my son’s school exam today in the book of social studies includes concepts and history of Hinduism, Buddhism, Ramayana, Karma, Mahabharata and Dharma. I enjoyed helping her study. ”

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