Monday, March 10News and updates from Kashmir

SDM Zainapora reviews Horticulture Dept.’s action plan to contain ‘leaf miner’ in emergency meeting

In order to review the strategy/action plan adopted by the Horticulture department to contain the dreaded disease of leaf miner which has spread in the Apple orchards of Zainapora area, on Thursday.

Mr. Mushtaq Ahmad Lone, KAS, SDM Zainapora held an emergency meeting in his office which was attended by Farm Manager & HDO AHDC Zainapora, HDO Zainapora, HDO Imamsahib, BDO Zainapora,all Naib-Tehsildars of Sub-Division Zainapora, Enforcement Inspector, AEO Chitragam and AEO Turkawangam.
During the meeting the basics of spreading the leaf miner disease were threadbare discussed and a joint strategy was adopted for its containment. SDM passed following directions during the meeting.

1. All concerned departments shall work in close coordination and in a mission mode towards containment of this epidemic disease.

2.HDOs in consultation with their concerned Naib-Tehsildars shall organize mass awareness programs at every Niabat level in which experts will brief the orchardists about the methods for containment of this disease. They will also motivate the orchardists for carrying out one-day village-level insecticide spray to their orchards as per the recommendation of SKAUST Kashmir.

3.Enforcement Inspector Zainapora shall ensure the recommended insecticide sprays are available at every pesticide shop of the Sub-Division.

4.Naib Tehsildars were directed to conduct joint inspection of pesticide shops of their respective jurisdictions along with enforcement Inspector atleast once in a week.

5.HDO’s in consultation with their Naib-Tehsildars & BDOs shall also make awareness campaign through public annoucement about the methodology to cater this dreaded disease by involving Sarpanchs, Panchs, VLWs and Lambardars

6.SDM emphasized upon the participants to work jointly, in close coordination with each other and in a mission mode to contain this disease at initial stage so that orchardists are saved from the major losses and the Apple industry of Sub-Division Zainapora is saved. Press release

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