Wednesday, March 12News and updates from Kashmir

Shah Faesal May have Started a series of Resignations- Law Officer From Doda Resigns

January 12

A Law officer from Doda District of the Chenab Valley has submitted his resignation to the Government of Jammu Kashmir stating that Government job is slavery of mind, tongue and heart.

In his resignation, Babar ul Islam has written, “i am a man of free mind, free thoughts and free tongue, hence i tender my resignation.”

Babar ul Islam while speaking to The Kashmiriyat said the reasons for his resignation were multi fold, adding that, “I have not withdrawn any salary for the period i was engaged in the department.”

He clearly stated,”My resignation has got nothing to do with the resignations of people around.”

Babar was selected as JLA in department of Law in the month of August 2016. On 6th Dec 2016, he joined the department and thereafter served as In charge Law Officer in Deputy Director Estates Office Jammu.

Babar said, “My Only Inspiration is My Beloved Prophet Muhammad(peace and mercy be Upon Him).”

Meanwhile a professor is set to resign, a judge have already submitted his resignation and is likely to Join National conference. A KAS officer is also likely to resign.

Pertinently IAS topper, Shah Faesal had resigned from civil services on Wednesday after which a series of resignations has started.

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