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Situation would have never escalated this far, had the West stopped Arming Ukraine: Former UN Weapon Inspector

William Scott Ritter Jr- a renowned former United Nations weapons inspector has said that situation could have been prevented from escalating so far, had the western countries stopped arming the forces in Ukraine.

He said that it is obvious for Russia to not allow any foreign interference in its immediate neighborhood. “All that needed to happen was Ukraine saying it will not be a part of NATO and would comply with the Minsk treaty, to which Ukraine is a signatory,” he said.

The Minsk Protocol is an agreement that sought to end the war in the Donbas region- a region that claims to be an independent nation.
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Its sovereignty was recently recognized by Russia to which Ukraine disputes. The agreement, which followed multiple previous attempts to stop the fighting in the Donbas, aimed to implement an immediate ceasefire.

“I believe that it would have never happened. Because the west wanted to fight a war against Russia outside its home,” William Scotter said, adding, “The west must have asked Ukraine to comply to the Minsk protocol.”

He said that the west had imposed sanctions on Russia even before the war started as they estimated that the war would never start. “This has caused frustration and now they know sanctions are not enough to stop the ongoing escalation.”

William Scott, the former weapons inspector in Iraq from 1991 to 1998 said that the west is now considering a direct “muscle flexing”, but it might be too late to do that.

Russia has been accusing Ukraine of horrendous war crimes in Donbass where they allege that the Army has killed civilians in the name of ‘Crushing armed rebellion’- a claim denied by Ukraine.

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