Tuesday, March 4News and updates from Kashmir

Spontaneous Shutdown, Clashes in Pulwama After Killing of Youth

September 03

Violent clashes have erupted in Pulwama town of South Kashmir after a youth named Fayaz Ahmed was killed in firing of Government forces in chewakalan of Pulwama.

Sources told The Kashmiriyat that hundreds of youth shouting pro Freedom and Anti India slogans hit the streets and threw stones on Forces deployed in the area.

Shopkeepers downed their shutters as a mark of protest against the killing of the youth.

The Forces tried to disperse the youth by throwing tear smoke shells, however the clashes were going on, when this report was filed.

Meanwhile train services to South Kashmir have been suspended.

A youth named as Fayaz Ahmed Wani son of Mohammed Ahsan wani, a resident of Chewakalan was shot dead when forces opened massive gunfire upon unarmed civilian during clashes.


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