Friday, March 7News and updates from Kashmir

Suicide Rates On Rise at an Alarming Rate in Chenab Valley

Mubashir Naik

The rising number of suicide cases in the Jammu Kashmir especially in the Chenab valley at an alarming rate undoubtedly is a matter of concern. With no letup or any strong preventive measures in place, suicides continue to claim lives in Chenab valley for last few years. The majority of the victims are young people which are an asset of every nation.

According to WHO data “Close to 800000 people die due to suicide every year, which is one person every 40 seconds. According to WHO report 1.5% people died due to suicide of all deaths in 2016.” Suicide is a global phenomenon and occurs throughout the lifespan.

Effective and evidence-based interventions can be implemented at population, sub-population and individual levels to prevent suicide and suicide attempts. There are indications that for each adult who died by suicide there may have been more than 20 others attempting suicide.

Nearly 24,000 men and women, mostly young, have attempted suicide in the last 17 years in Kashmir. Of them about 3,000 have been successful. Shockingly, most of them were between the age of 16 and 25. The figures point to a psychological catastrophe in the conflict-ridden Kashmir Valley.

According to Global data “Suicide occurs throughout the lifespan and is the second leading cause of death among 15-29 year olds globally”.Suicide is a slur on the society and Jammu & Kashmir has not been left untouched by the menace of suicides. It is common to see the reports of suicides in daily newspapers.

Pertinently, number of suicide cases have increased in Chenab Valley (erstwhile District Doda) at an alarming level during for the last few years.Dozens of people have ended their lives in District Doda only during the last three years. The raising number of suicide cases has put parents to worry.

Gunpat Pul, the highest road bridge in the country at Doda over the river Chenab has become the epicentre of suicides in Doda. Dozens of people have jumped from that bridge into the river Chenab to end their lives. Last month district administration has put a barbed wire over the railings of the bridge. People believe that there are numbers of reasons for the alarming numbers of suicide cases in Chenab Valley.

Dr Jamsheed Ahmad working as an Assistant Professor at Government Degree College Doda believes that there are diverse reasons behind it. He believes, “They range from failure in love to failure in studies. Some committed suicide because they couldn’t handle the familial pressure. There were others who ended their lives because they couldn’t succeed as far as their careers were concerned”.

Dr Jamsheed expresses his anguish over the fact that students and young people committing suicide is more worrisome. “I won’t name those people but I knew some of the best minds who unfortunately ended their lives.There were some students who couldn’t tolerate the parental pressure as far as their education and merit was concerned and they went to the extreme step of shooting themselves.”

Dr. Ahmad holds that “On a general level we have failed as a society. We have failed as parents and as teachers in particular. I hold myself responsible-as a teacher- as two students from my college committed suicide in the years 2017-2018”.

He stresses, “Somewhere a deep psychological chasm is there. A deep communication and understanding gap between us and the young people. We have failed to understand them and we try to create a frame (as per our understanding and standards) wherein we want them to fit. Once they are not able to fit into that frame they become mentally restless and find it difficult to cope with the situation”.

Dr Jamsheed Ahmad is of the opinion, “We need proper counselling cells in our institutions.Though such initiatives have been taken but they remain limited to papers only. Those cells must cater to the psychological and mental needs of the young kids.

He ends with a few suggestions. “We need to organise seminars and awareness lectures (not for the sake of press releases and news items only) in this regard. Most importantly we need to bring up our children in a very healthy and scientifically viable manner. Religion too can be positively used to curb this menace.”

Even though, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India will be providing assistance of Rs 8.50 crore to the state government for the up gradation of academic, clinical and diagnostic facilities at the Psychiatric Hospitals in Srinagar and Jammu, but given the geographical condition of Chenab valley & enormity of the problem combined with the paucity of mental health services there is immediate need to Establish a fully functional Psychiatric Hospital in Chenab valley too.

The Psychiatric and guidelines of the personnels of these Medical Health Centres can help a lot in providing solace to the individuals.

NGO’s Like “Ababeel” & others who are working D/N for the welfare of people need to be supported by the government. NGOs shall be very fruitful in the field of suicide prevention at local level. The NGOs can undertake the task of informing and educating the public about the problems of suicide through various means of communication since NGOs have played very important role in prevention & reduction of suicide cases in developed countries.These NGOs are quite successful in consolation & bringing down suicide rates.

In UK, The Samaritans is a registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland, often through their telephone helpline.The suicide rate is said to have gone down ever since the ‘Samaritans’ Organization came into existence and continued its activities in this field.

Aware is another example of the success of NGOs in this field. It is a national voluntary organisation based in Ireland which provides support to individuals who experience depression within their families and friend circle. It provides a helpline service, as well as nationwide Support Groups and monthly lectures, which seek to educate and increase awareness of depression.

Controlling suicide requires a collective, concerted & Strong effort from all groups in the society. It is high time for Jammu & Kashmir Government to initiate a Mental Health Programme in Chenab valley with the help of local NGOs for the reduction & controlling of suicide cases.

NGOs having religious influence over people can work wonder in the reduction of suicide cases.Through these Mental Health Programmes, psychiatric evaluation and treatment can be provided to people who have attempted suicide. All these measures can help administration to control the alarming numbers of suicide cases in Chenab Valley.

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