Tuesday, March 4News and updates from Kashmir

This Baramulla Area Sees Power for Merely 20 Days During Last 5 Months

Shabir Khan

Locals from Aastan Mohallah of Bandipayeen in Baramulla complained that the area has for the past five month, the area has been facing shortage of electricity and the area has just seen five days throughout the days.

Speaking to The Kashmiriyat the locals said that in five months it is the seventh time that the transformer has developed snag.

“In January, the transformer got defunct. We transported the transformer to the PDD workshop at our own expense. After a gap of 15 days, officials repaired the transformer and installed it in the village but after remaining functional for a few days, it developed some technical snag again.”

They said, that the people again contributed some money and took the transformer to the workshop and it took the officials 15 days to repair the transformer. But after remaining functional for a week, the transformer went defunct again.
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“The transformer was once again brought for installation on May 23. But it developed a snag again on Thursday,” locals said.

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