Sunday, March 16News and updates from Kashmir

Three Kashmir female students flying to Manhattan USA on fellowship

Three female students from Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir have been given research fellowships, for their postgraduate studies at Kansas State University in Manhattan, USA,

In the summer of 2023, Sabreena Ayoub, Midhat Zulafkar, and Muazzama Mushtaq from the faculties of horticulture, agriculture, and forestry, respectively, will go to the United States to begin their master’s programmes at Kansas State Institution, the first public land-grant university in the world.

On GWAS and herbicide tolerance in pearl millet, Sabreena and Midhat will work with Prof. PV Vara Prasad, Director of the Sustainable Intensification Innovation Lab at KSU, and Dr. Ram Perumal, Professor of Plant Breeding, while Muazzama will research soil carbon dynamics in response to climate change with Nobel Laureate Dr. Chuck Rice.

Prof. Nazir Ahmad Ganai, vice chancellor of SKUAST-K, stated that this is the result of years of cooperation between SKUAST-K and KSU on the teacher and student exchange programme under NAHEP.

He praised Dr. Parvaiz Ahmad Sofi, Coordinator of International Programs for SKUAST-K, for facilitating student exchange between SKUAST-K and KSU and assisting students in locating superior institutions of higher learning around the world. He congratulated the students for bringing honour to the university.

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