Tuesday, March 4News and updates from Kashmir

Three technicians of SKIMS, six employees of Associated Hospitals suspended, enquiry ordered

Additional Director SKIMS, Gulzar Ahmad Shabnum has suspended three technicians Mohammad Amin, Mohammad Yaseen Wani and Parminder Kour of Gastroentrology department of SKIMS for remaining unauthorisedly absent from duties.

The suspended technicians have been attached with the office of Additional Director, SKIMS till pending enquiry. HOD Gastroenterology department, Prof. Mohammad Altaf Shah has been asked to investigate the matter and submit the report within a week’s time.

Meanwhile, Additional Director SKIMS, who is also holding the Additional charge of Administrator Associated Hospitals, has also suspended six employees Fayaz Ahmad Wani, Syed Abdul Wahid, Irshad Ahmad Khan, Shazia Showket, Mehboob Hassan Khan and Gh.Nabi Shiekh posted in Associated Hospitals for dereliction of duties and violating the official orders. The employees have been attached with the office of the Administrator Associated Hospitals till further orders besides an enquiry into the matter has been ordered by the Administrator and sought the report in a week’s time.

In the meantime, Dr. Haneef Mohd Dar, Incharge Assistant Professor, Department Of Surgery, GMC Srinagar has been asked to present his response on a complaint received against him and two other officials alleging misuse of official position. He has been directed to explain the position within two days positively.(GNS)

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