Sunday, March 16News and updates from Kashmir

Trump’s comeback Rally Proves a Failure- 6200 Attend Against Expected 10 Lakh

The American President Donald Trump’s rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States (US) on Saturday had fewer than 6,200 people in attendance.

The US president blamed  “radical” protesters and the media for its small crowd size.

The Trump rally expected more than 1 million people at the arena.

The Director of Communications, Murtaugh,  for Trump’s 2020 re-election blamed protesters for interfering with supporters. He stated that protesters blocked access to metal detectors, which prevented many people from entering the rally.

Tulsa Police Department did state a crowd of dozens of anti-Trump protesters demonstrating at the location. However, they also stated the crowd being ordered away from the entry and eventually retreating.

Biden campaign spokesman Andrew Bates commented that Trump “has abdicated leadership and it is no surprise that his supporters have responded by abandoning him.”

Andrew also commented that Trump’s presidency was already in a tailspin due to mismanagement of the pandemic and in the wake of George Floyd’s murder.

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