Srinagar police on Friday said that two juveniles were apprehended involved in a hit and run case, in which a man from Kupwara was killed in Raj Bagh area of Srinagar.
Srinagar police on its official Twitter handle, as per the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) informed that fathers of both juveniles have also been arrested under MV act for giving vehicle to minors.
Police also said that a case has been registered at Raj Bagh police station under section 279, 304 A of IPC and vehicle has also been seized.
“Two Juveniles apprehended in hit & run case where one youth from kupwara died in Raj Bagh today. Dr Shamin Bhat & Fayaz Rather, fathers of both juveniles, arrested in 191A MV act for giving vehicle to minors. Case registered at Raj Bagh PS u/s 279,304A of IPC & vehicle seized,” police tweeted.
Notably, a man from Kupwara identified as Bashir Ahmad Bhat (36) was killed in a hit and run case in Rajbagh area of Srinagar on Friday morning—(KNO)