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We Want Peace and Justice, Not Enforced Discourses- Letter of Manan Wani Goes Viral

July 17

Manan Wani, the PhD scholar from Aligarh Muslim University who has joined Hizb ul Mujahideen Militant ranks has written a letter which has been circulated widely on Social Networking.

The 26-year-old research, Manan was a student of Applied Geology at Aligarh Muslim University before he had gone missing in January only to appear on social media holding a grenade launcher.

In a letter mailed on Monday to CNS, a Srinagar based news agency, Wani describes himself as a former PhD scholar from the AMU and currently a member of Hizbul Mujahideen.

CNS uploaded the letter on its website but later took it down not before many other news portals had carried it.

Wani throughout the letter talks about India ‘manufacturing narratives’ and ‘circulating new discourses’ to justify its ‘presence’ in Jammu Kashmir”.

In the letter Wani has written, we are seeking peace, but not without Justice and peace wherein ideas and thoughts could be exchanged and debated.

The letter comes at at time when Militancy is seeing a drastic rise and has transgressed the regional boundaries. Four youth from Jammu region are believed to have joined Militant ranks.

The Hindustan Times has reported that A Srinagar-based official in the security forces said that they did not want to react to Wani’s letter.

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