Friday, July 12News and updates from Kashmir

1300 school buildings lying unused in J&K

Govt directs GAD, PD&MD to coordinate with DCs for allotment of these buildings to PRIs and govt departments

With 1300 school buildings lying vacant in Jammu and Kashmir, J&K’s chief secretary Arun Kumar Mehta has directed the General Administration Department (GAD) and Planning Development & Monitoring department to coordinate with respective deputy commissioners for allotment of these buildings.

Documents lying with the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) that the directions were passed by the CS during a meeting chaired by him on July 26.

“The Chief Secretary observed that the School Education Department (SED) has furnished a list of 1300 vacant school buildings which can be utilized for Panchayat Ghars, offices of district development councils and district development councils as also accommodating other departments,” read the documents.

“The Chief Secretary directed the GAD & PD&MD to coordinate in the matter in consultation with respective deputy commissioners for further allotment of these buildings.”

After the CS’s directive, the Department of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj wrote to its both directors to coordinate with the concerned DCs in the matter.

These school buildings were left vacant after the PDP-BJP government after the previous government merged the schools with zero or less enrollment of students.

On the instructions of the government, the School Education Department had recently collected data from Chief Education Officers about such buildings in Kashmir and Jammu divisions—(KNO)

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