Saturday, September 21News and updates from Kashmir

Dropout rate of ST community students very high at all school levels: MoE

The dropout rate of students in several districts, particularly among Schedule Tribe (ST) communities, is very high at all school levels across Jammu Kashmir.

According to the official documents of the Ministry of Education (MoE) available with the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), “The annual average dropout rate at the secondary level in the year 2020-21 was 3 percent.”

“However, it is important to note that the dropout rate among the ST children is still very high,” MoE said.

Stating the dropout rate, the MoE said, “It is also important to mention that the dropout rate in certain districts is very high in various districts.

It states that the Kishtwar district has a dropout rate of 8.27 percent at primary level, followed by 6.52 percent in Rajouri at upper primary level and 5.96 percent in Shopian district.

The MoE also said that at the secondary level district of Ramban there was a dropout rate of 27.28 percent and 12.10 percent in Kishtwar district respectively.

It said that the government of Jammu and Kashmir needs to start identifying the issues of dropouts.

“To meet the target, the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir should expedite community based surveys identifying issues for such dropouts,” MoE said—(KNO)

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