The businessmen in Jammu city expressed that the administration is unaware about the ground realities in the erstwhile state of Jammu Kashmir.
News reports said that businessmen, who recently were on a strike against the opening of Reliance stores in Jammu have called for an end to “babu raj” in Kashmir. Quoting a businessman from Jammu, the report said for the past two years several “rigid” rules have been made applicable in J&K. He further said that facilities that are being provided to common people are almost zero and added that the Lieutenant Governor should start holding public darbars and listen to the grievances of the people directly so as to know the ground situation.
“The officials are not ready to hear the people as the files remain pending for months. It looks like that the Lt Governor is being misled by the officials around him,” the report quoted another businessman as having said. He further said that Jammu is facing huge problems and no one seems to be interested in addressing and solving these and they need elected representatives who can hear them.
The businessmen in Jammu have expressed resentment over the fact that several people have lost their lives. He further grieved that there is nothing for the people of Jammu as everyday new guidelines are issued, like malls are being opened.
He further said that though there is no harm in new ventures coming up but first government should see whether the local people are progressing or are on the path of decline.