Wednesday, January 1News and updates from Kashmir

“Sufism Defines Kashmir Society”- Annual Urs of Sufi Saint Observed in Ganderbal

March 30

Rayees Shah

The Annual Urs of Hazrat Haq Bab Sahib (RA) celebrated at Wussan In Central Kashmir’s Ganderbal District with religious fervour and enthusiasm.

A large number of devotees including men,women and children from different faiths and communities from different districts of valley and the adjoining areas participated in this grand religious congregation at the said location.

ALSO READ: Kashmir Continues its Tradition of Remembering Sufi Saints, Urs of Syed Simnaniya Observed in Achabal

Every year, the Urs commences on 21 Rajab with Quran Khawani (Quran recitation), Darood Azqar (Hymns in praise of prophet) and Khatmat-ul-Mozama’at (collection of Islamic verses) followed by day long prayers.

The devotees during the Urs prayed for long-lasting peace in Kashmir and sought peace, blessings and mercy from Almighty Also Dua e Majlis And Fateh khawani was offered by the devotees.
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We would like to say that may God give us success and fortune through this Saint,a local resident said.

He said Sufism defines Kashmir society. Such was the influence of Sufism that it constituted superstructure and sub-structure values and belief systems in the people of Kashmir.