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US launches massive strikes in Iraq and Syria, casualties unknown

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The United States conducted major airstrikes, striking 85 targets across seven locations in Iraq and Syria.

United States said that the operation marks the initiation of a series of larger-scale actions against Iranian-backed militias responsible for recent attacks on US troops in the Middle East.

Reports from local media indicate that the US airstrikes specifically targeted sites in Ayyash, Al-Mayadin, and Al-Bukamal in eastern Syria, as well as locations near the Iraqi border also stating that the number of casualties may be quiet high, however, as of now, nothing has been reported.T

As per the local media, the he bombing lasted for hours. The attack came hours after a drone attack by on a US military outpost in Jordan on Sunday.

The incident resulted in the death of three US government force personnel, with more than 40 others sustaining injuries.

President Joe Biden conveyed in a statement that the US military response would persist at chosen times and places, emphasizing that the nation does not seek conflict but will respond to any harm inflicted upon Americans.

US Central Command claimed that the airstrikes targeted Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force and affiliated militia groups.

The statement detailed the extensive nature of the operation, involving over 85 targets, numerous aircraft, including long-range bombers flown from the United States, and more than 125 precision munitions.

Meanwhile the United States carried out seven airstrikes on Hajjah province in Yemen as part of the American-British military actions.

According to a security source speaking to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), the aggression specifically targeted the Al-Jar area in Abs District.

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